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NPO Cardiovascular Medicine and Medical Support Center (CVMedicS)

  1. Medical knowledge dissemination and enlightenment business

  2. Clinical trial / clinical trial promotion business

  3. Medical education support project

  4. Latest medical technology development support project

  5. Basic research support project

  6. Medical support business for local and international communities

As a specified non-profit organization (NPO) in March 2020, we hope to solve social problems and contribute to society in a wide range of fields including clinical medicine and medical care centered on cardiovascular diseases. You have been authenticated.

With the goal of clarifying the etiology and pathophysiology of various diseases, developing new treatment methods and establishing their medical systems, we will promote the development, clinical trials, and industry-academia collaboration of new medical devices and drugs, and all who will be responsible for them. We will endeavor to train medical professionals.

In addition, we plan to contribute to the promotion of the health and welfare of residents through activities to widely disseminate medical knowledge to the local community.

If a lot of power is gathered, it will surely become a big power.

We appreciate your understanding and support for our activities.

May 1, 2020

Specified non-profit organization Cardiovascular medicine / medical support center

Chairman     Takashi Nishimura

ご挨拶: 当団体のプロフィール
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